==Retrospective is highlighted==
Year in Reviewâ
- Lessons learned form layoff and interviewing
- Year of international trips
- Financial preparations
- Workouts and hikes is on-and-off
- Surfing and volleyball
- Physical: learn a new skill every month - [[2024 Physical Goal Progression]]
- January: 2 minute dead hang
- February: 30 seconds L sit
- March: one-arm pull up
- April: 30 pull ups in a row
- May: crow pose
- June: 6 min mile
- July: standing bridge
- August: cartwheel
- September: 5 one-arm pushups
- October: muscle up
- November: handstand
- December: planche
- Personal learning: finished the Coursera ML courses - [[Coursera - Machine Learning Specialization]] and [[Deep Learning Specialization]]
- Programming: finished 3 side projects
- [[3 ways to regret ff]]
- [[IG account of super obvious charts]]
- [[aaronson-oracle-baseball]]
- Relationship: work on a physical goal together, have a strong foundation of day to day life, go on fun dates, ask to learn a skill together
- Mishogi
- [[SF Marathon 2024]]
- YES signed up on [[2024-01-13]]
- 2 min dead hang
- the progression plan is to have a long hold everyday and some variety with either volume or progressive overload
- did not accomplish and didn't feel enough progress was made
- ==[0.6] Lots of work but didn't observe lots of progress==
- 30 sec L sit
- got some paralettes to help with this
- ==[1] Done==
- one arm pull up
- ==[0] Did not do, March flew by==
- Published [[Til2023]]
- Fixed the docusuarus publish workflow from upgrading to V3
- ==[1] Done==
- Create one post for the [[IG account of super obvious charts]]
- Established a good routine with Hanh on the weekdays
- Assist with finance
- Cooking together
- Gym together
- Find a hobby that can be maintained
- Finding furnitures and moved in
- ==[0.8]==
- Also spend lots of time planning for trip to Italy on Wanderlog
- Working with Nobo on running and mentally engaging her as she changed new environment
- She is barking aggressively at dogs at times and I feel like she is mentally "bored"
- Did a few snowboarding trips to make use of my seasons pass!
- Started supplement regime with protein, collagen, magnesium and creatine
- [[2024 Physical Goal Progression]]
- 2 min dead hang
- ==[0] Did not do==
- 1 arm pull up
- ==[0] Did not do==
- 50 pull ups
- ==[0] Did not do==
- 2 min dead hang
- Ramp up Marathon Training by getting more weekly volume
- Find a hobby with hanh - drawing? reading? pottery?
- Doing paint by numbers
- Progress 50% in [[Coursera - Machine Learning Specialization]]
- ==[0.5] Did some work==
- Finish [[Crying in H Mart]]
- Finish [[Misbelief]]
- Finish [[A Prayer for the Crown-Shy]]
- Plan hikes
- Trans Catalina?
- [[Desolation Wilderness]] in June
- [[Mt Whitney]] in Sept?
- Lost Coast in July?
- Waterfall somewhere?
- Practice sketching
- ==[0.1] Sketched a little==
- This quarter was derailed by a sudden layoff (see [[Job Hunt of 2024]])
- Spent lots of time interviewing and preparing
- [[Euro Trip 2024]] was a wonderful time that included exploration with just the two of us and meeting up with Nick and Jiayi
- Hike in [[Desolation Wilderness]] was well worth it
- [[SF Marathon 2024]]
- Planning and traveling with Aaron and Hanh [[China-Korea Trip 2024]]
- Finish it takes two with Hanh as part of the dates goals
- Rehired back to Tesla after two months of "lay-off"
- Did several big things that fulfilled my family bucket: taking bro back to China and visited relatives and swept graves, doing the SF marathon with dad
- Finish [[Supervised Machine Learning - Regression and Classification]]
- Finish [[aaronson-oracle-baseball]] with ChatGPT and create a website
- Get into a workout routine and try to hit as many goals in the [[2024 Physical Goal Progression]]
- ==[0.5] Got back into some workouts==
- Start a hikes bucket list [[Hikes Bucket List]]
Year in reviewâ
- A great year of outdoor activities. I was able to do a lot of hiking trips with different variety, from backpacking to day hikes to van trips. Also pushed hard to play lots of volleyball with fairly consistent beach games and even some semi-serious grass tournaments. Also continue to snowboard and surf whenever possible, given that it takes a lot of planning, time and resources.
- Read a ton of interesting book and having the [[8. âïļ Finer Things Book Club]] really kept me on track when I didn't feel like reading. I think I ended with 9 books read this year but should be able to push to 10 before the very end. See the books here - [[2. ð Books to Read]].
- On the personal learning front, it had some mixed results. I finally finished the [[Hands On Machine Learning]] after two years (!) and not really felt like it is contributing to my day to day. I didn't successfully produce any projects and still feel left behind by the rapid development of LLM
- Consistent progress on reading, meditating and exercising
- By using the [[âķ Trackers]] page
- 1 programming side project
- [[aaronson-oracle-baseball]]
- [[unchess]]
- 2 programming skill
- Finish the [[Hands On Machine Learning]] book
- Work on [[4. Personal ðļ]]
- Read 10 books
- [[Black Swan]]
- [[The Lonely City]]
- [[Principles]]
- [[Tools of Titans]]
- [[How to Win Friends & Influence People]]
- [[Crying in H Mart]]
- [[Liar's Poker]]
- [[Anthroprocene Reviewed]]
- [[What is our problem]]
- [[Atomic Habits]]
- [[I want to die but I want to eat tteokbokki]]
- [[Inadequate Equilibrium]]
- [[Studying Studies]]
- [[A Psalm for the Wild-Built]]
- [[We Are Legion (We are Bob)]]
- [[The Four Agreements]]
- [[Greenlight]]
- [[Winning Fixes Everything]]
- 5 blog posts
- Movie poster characteristics and pie charts
- Use ChatGPT to re-create the blog post on the [[Inverted yield curve]]
- [[ChatGPT to help me program an app]]
- [[Til2022]]
- 2 physical goals
- Hike some longer multi-day hikes
- [[West Coast Trial]]
- [[Blayney Meadow Trail]]: didn't do because of weather
- [[Mt Whitney]]
- [[The Wave]]
- [[Many Glaciers Backcountry Hike]]
- [[Thousand Island Lake]]
- 180lbs
- been roughly at 170lbs during [[2023-03-01]]
- hitting max weight of 173lbs during [[2023-04-07]]
- going to start cutting back down
- roughly around 170lbs during [[2023-08-01]]
- Hike some longer multi-day hikes
- Publish [[Til2022]]
- ==[1] Done==
- Migrate to Docusuarus for [[4. Personal ðļ]]
- Point the github.io endpoint to the pauldeng.me domain
- Update front page for site
- ==[0.8] Done==
- Finish [[Black Swan]]
- ==[1] Done==
- Personal Finance
- Adjust 401k contribution to get full employer match
- Transfer IRA to Robinhood, convert to ROTH
- Can't do in Robinhood outright just yet
- ==[1] Done==
- Update front page of my site
- Use ChatGPT to build a web app
- Tried but didn't get very far [[ChatGPT to help me program an app]]
- Drop in volleyball
- Played a weekend tournament at Ocean Beach using the Heylo App
- Several times, 4s, 2s, and VBX (training mode)
- Drop in at Inner Richmond from JustPlay App
- Played pickup up at Willie Woo Woo Wong Playground
- Played a 2s grass day tournament in Union City
- Very high level competition
- ==[1] Done==
- Played a weekend tournament at Ocean Beach using the Heylo App
- Contribute annual max to Traditional IRA
- Need to plan out when to sell stocks to avoid wash sale
- Aug 31 ESPP purchase
- Sept 5 Stock vest
- Dec 5 stock vest
- So the only time to sell (if at a loss) is October-November
- ==[1] Done==
- Need to plan out when to sell stocks to avoid wash sale
- Update front page of my site
- ==Did not do==
- More consistent reading in this quarter, using the [[âķ Trackers]]
- ===1 Finished [[What is our problem]] and [[Anthroprocene Reviewed]]==
- Sell stocks for Traditional IRA and downpayment of a Van
- Research [[VanLife]]
- Sold at loss for max tax harvesting, not the greatest timing as I sold after Q3 earning call
- Transition the focus to programming
- [[Hands On Machine Learning]]
- [[Learn Lisp]]
- [[aaronson-oracle-baseball]]
- Continue reading and workout habits using [[âķ Trackers]]
- [[Winning Fixes Everything]]
- [[Greenlight]]
- [[The Lonely City]]
- Life Skills
- Teach Nobo "crossover" in [[7. Raise a ðķ]]
Year in reviewâ
- I didn't feel like I was productive in programming and self-learning
- Was more accountable in reading books
- Finish [[Why We Sleep]]
- ==[0] Didn't read at all this quarter, been spending more time on iPad before bed - need to curb and change this habit in the next quarter==
- Teach Nobo "bang" and "heel" command
- ==[0.9] "Bang" is not as consistent as some of her best tricks but she knows of it and can do it. "Heel" (command is follow) is in good progress, with treat on hand she can follow closely on sidewalks for a block or two==
- Write blog on learn about the yield curve and prediction of recession, and answer how long after the inverse yield curve occurs do recession occur
- learn about the yield curve and prediction of recession, and answer how long after the inverse yield curve occurs do recession occur
- ==[0] Didn't do==
- Finish the [[aaronson-oracle-baseball]] fork
- ==[0] Didn't do==
- Finish [[Why We Sleep]] #books
- ==[1] Done==
- Write blog on learn about the yield curve and prediction of recession, and answer how long after the inverse yield curve occurs do recession occur #finance
- ==[1] Done==
- Finish the [[aaronson-oracle-baseball]] fork #programming
- ==[0] Didn't do==
- Diversify investments #finance
- Pay back credit card debit (15k)
- Max annual contribution to traditional IRA account
- Change 401(k) contribution to 100% to max out contributions of $20,500 for 2 pay cheques and then change to 12% for the rest of the year
- Changed to 90% on [[May 18th, 2022]
- ==[1] Done==
- Finish [[Inside of a Dog - What Dogs See, Smell, and Know]]
- Book club with Aaron on [[Bad Blood]]
- ==[1] Done== had our first meeting for [[8. âïļ Finer Things Book Club]]
- Finish the [[aaronson-oracle-baseball]] fork
- ==[0] Did not do==
- Finish [[Hands On Machine Learning]]
- ==[0.5] Did a few chapters==
- Q4
- Finish [[Black Swan]]
- ==0.5 halfway through==
- Finish the [[aaronson-oracle-baseball]] fork
- ==0 Did not do==
- Finish [[Hands On Machine Learning]]
- ==0.5 Did not do==