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Key Decisions


  • F1 Standard Bernedoodle
    • a mix of Bernese mountain dog and poodle
    • F1 standard means it is a mix of Bernese mountain dog and bernedoodle
    • F1b means it is a mix of two bernedoodles



  • Birthday - [[February 4th, 2021]]
  • Weight - 43 lbs
  • Vaccines - Vaccinated as of [[May 23rd, 2021]]


  • Training a dog is also training yourself, to be successful, you are always aware of what you are doing and how she is responding to it
  • Positive reinforcement above anything else
    • Change the situation such that you can reward her for doing something right instead of punishing her for doing something wrong
    • Break the desired behavior into chunks and reinforce each step slowly and repeatedly
  • Never respond to her whining or barking for something
    • Instead - respond immediately after a desirable action whether it is of her own volition or you gave her a command that she followed
  • Be consistent with rules and behaviors
    • It is always easier to be strict and slowly loosen as you go, but be consistent - don't flip flop between allowing and disallowing certain actions
  • Interactions with people
    • Try to discourage jumping on people for pets
    • Nobo seems to get excited easily by people
  • Interactions with dogs
    • Nobo will want to play with most dogs, and be very excited to sniff them. Sometimes her over excitement might scare other dogs AND Nobo will also try to stand and potentially bark for attention
    • I found that when Nobo needs to poop, she will also be anxious around other dogs and will bark more than normal
    • I still don't know what causes her to bark sometimes at dogs...but when it happens and I try to silently discourage by turning her away from the dog and walk a different direction
    • When playing with larger dogs, she might get "bullied" and will yelp at times, if you think Nobo is not having a good time - try to silently remove her from the action - don't freak out over the situation because it will cause her to also freak out

Daily Schedule

Puppy Phase​

  • 0615: wake up
  • 0700 - 0730: morning walk, dog park. Nobo will poop 1x or 2x depending on the day. If she poops once, there is a chance for a midday poop if she goes for a long-ish walk
  • 745: breakfast (1 cup of dry food + 1 cup of wet food)
  • 1000 - 1200: random activities, will take her out for a potty break
  • 1500 - 1600: random activities, will take her our for a potty break
  • 1730: dinner (1 cup of dry food + 1 cup of wet food)
  • 1730 - 1830: evening walk, field to run in. Nobo will poop after eating dinner. Bring lots of water, she will drink and pee during her evening play if she runs around a lot.
  • 2000: one last potty and cut off her water
  • 2100: crate for sleep

Random activities includes fetch, teaching tricks, doing old tricks, petting, brushing. Can feed her treats or let her lick peanut butter or chew on sticks. The times can be shifted if you keep her up later into the night

Adult Phase​

  • 0615: wake up
  • 0615 - 0700: morning walk for poop
  • 1500 - 1600: afternoon pee
  • 1700: dinner
  • 1700 - 1830: evening walk
  • 2000: one last potty

Training Plan


  • Down [Move hand from her face to ground when she is sitting]
  • Roll [Move hand behind her head and around her neck when she is down]
  • Shake [Hold hand out in front of her when sitting]
  • High five [Hold hand out above her]
  • Search [Hand in peace sign] - hide some treats around the house and she will go search for it
  • Selfie [Sit infront of her] - she should jump onto your shoulder
  • Bang [Gun sign after she is laying] - she should roll over to her back
  • Cross [Split the leg like doing a crossover in basketball] - she should move between the legs
  • Stack [Open the leg like an A] - she should come and sit in between your legs


  • ==All commands should be used wisely. Try to say it only once and when she is paying attention or she learns to ignore your commands. Try to say it when you have some confidence that she can actually do the command - set her up for success. Positive reinforcement for commands needs to happen immediately following the command or you are rewarding something else==
  • Sit [Palm facing up and move up]
  • Crate [Left hand form L-shape]
  • Bed - new-ish, she is suppose to go to her bed
  • Wait/Stay - Used when you need her to stay in a place to take off her leash or open a door or stay in the bathtub
  • Up - get up to some place
  • Off - get off the couch
  • Table - walk across platforms
  • Over - jump over things
  • Spin [use hand to spin in circles]
  • Crawl [when she is down and you hold something in front of her]