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Anomoly Detection

  • Anomaly detection is important to any data analytics application
    • Able to keep track of anomalies is crucial to ensure unintended positive or negative effects are removed
    • anomalies are outliers in data point that does not follow the collective common pattern of the majority of the data points and hence can be easily identified
    • time series anomaly is a data point that doesn't follow the collective tread or seasonal or cyclic pattern of the entire data and is significantly distinct
  • Ways to detect anomaly in time series
      1. Predictive confidence level approach
      1. Statistical profiling approach
      1. Clustering based unsupervised approach
  • Predictive confidence level approach
    • Build a model using historical data to estimate the overall trend, seasonal or cyclic pattern of the time series data
    • Forecast future values and based on error rates, we can come up with confidence interval or confidence band for the predicted values and any observed data points which is falling beyond this confidence band is an anomaly
    • Advantages of this approach is finding local outlier
    • Disadvantages of this approach is it relies on the efficiency of the predictive model
  • Statistical profiling approach
    • Fast and useful while producing a controlled and explainable outcome
    • Calculating statistical values like mean or median moving average of the historical data and using a standard deviation to come up with a band of statistical values which can define the upper and lower bound
    • Good baseline model
    • Disadvantage is detecting local outliers
  • Clustering based unsupervised approach
    • Does not require you to label the data, useful for when there are unknown outliers
    • Disadvantage is that it requires lots of tinkering with the cluster sizes and hard to dynamically estimate the cluster number for each series
      • Density based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN)
      • Easy to tune, and does not group all data points to a cluster
      • Helps to map the new normal which most other approaches may fail