With the pandemic, most of the world was forced to enter quarantine. Big companies moved to a remote work model that was once believed to only be some voodoo, hipster scheme used to attract free spirited young people at startups. The jury is still out on whether this can be a permanent model for these companies in the future.
From the employer’s point of view, there is no consensus. Some executives believe that unplanned interactions between people sparks creativity and ingenuity. Others asserts that their employees are adults who should not be micromanaged at a physical location to be productive.
I think that both sides are correct, if the work the company is expected to produce is more dependent on efficiency and routine - then working from home should be a viable environment if it is supported well. On the other hand, if product development or iteration is the main focus of the company, I personally don’t see the same level of productivity can be outputted with everyone working from home.