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\Monday, May 06, 2024

📅 Daily Questions

🌜 Last night, after work, I
  • Continued the re-watching of Planet of the Apes series
🙌 One thing I'm excited about right now is
  • Restarting my self learning process, starting the unemployed routine
    • [[Job Hunt of 2024]]
    • [[Data Science Learning]]
    • [[aaronson-oracle-baseball]]
    • [[3 ways to regret ff]]
    • [[Euro Trip 2024]]
🚀 One+ thing I plan to accomplish today is
  • Setup the macbook for development
    • Reset obsidian habit and restart the unemployed routine - [[Job Hunt of 2024]]
    • Fix personal website
    • Fixed the problematic markdown files
    • Added CNAME to the static directory to avoid overwriting the custom domain name upon redeployment
👎 One thing I'm struggling with today is

📝 Ephemeral Notes

Notes created today

List FROM "" WHERE file.cday = date("2024-05-06") SORT file.ctime asc

Notes last touched today

List FROM "" WHERE file.mday = date("2024-05-06") SORT file.mtime asc

created: 2023-01-16 11:50