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\Wednesday, August 07, 2024

📅 Daily Questions

🌜 Last night, after work, I
  • Went out to eat Mexican food and german brewery with Hanh/Aaron/Brain/Maggie
  • Biking to/from work has been a struggle with the heavy mountain bike
  • Played a little bit of it takes two
🙌 One thing I'm excited about right now is
🚀 One+ thing I plan to accomplish today is
  • [ ]
👎 One thing I'm struggling with today is

📝 Ephemeral Notes

  • #til2024 Arena
    • Possibly borrowed from the latin word hasena which means sand
    • The ancient Romans used this kind of sand on the floors of the Colosseum to soak up the blood
      • Which is then taken up to mean a place of combat and slowly evolved to the place of sporting event as used today
  • #til2024 Ad nauseam
    • I've always mistakenly thought this word was spelled "at nauseum" like it is discussed to a point of nausea
  • #til2024 Hyperion
    • The name given to the tallest living redwood tree in California
      • measuring at 115.9 meters tall
      • between 600-800 years old
      • its location is a "secret" and is under protection
  • #til2024 Closed cities
    • A city or town that is completely restricted and only special authorizations is allowed to enter
    • These could be military bases like Los Alamos during the Manhattan project
    • There are several of these in Soviet Union during the Cold War but continue to operate after the dissolution of the Soviet Union
    • "Mailbox" was the unofficial name of secret Soviet facilities
  • Reading [[Reactive Microsystems]]
    • Introduced by the EPS team as a good primer read on good system designs for data intensive applications

Notes created today

List FROM "" WHERE file.cday = date("2024-08-07") SORT file.ctime asc

Notes last touched today

List FROM "" WHERE file.mday = date("2024-08-07") SORT file.mtime asc

created: 2023-01-16 11:50