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Tuesday, February 07, 2023

<< [[2023-02-06|Yesterday]] | [[2023-02-08|Tomorrow]] >> Retrospective:: [[2023-01-07|Last Month]] | [[2022-02-07|Last Year]]

📅 Daily Questions

🌜 Last night, after work, I
🙌 One thing I'm excited about right now is
🚀 One+ thing I plan to accomplish today is
  • [ ]
👎 One thing I'm struggling with today is

📝 Ephemeral Notes

  • #data-science Big data is another way of saying "when the cost of keeping data around is less than the cost of figuring out what to throw away"
    • Data is a liability, they could be violating regulations or used in a lawsuit
    • Data lakes are just giant swamps of data where no one really knows what they hold
  • #til2023 Bit Rot
    • When code is not actively maintained
    • A similar concept for data exists where people forget what specific fields mean or data problems that are embedded in the tables
      • The business logic used to pull data can be quite complicated and are not translated into the data itself
    • #til2023 Doumbek
      • Egyptian drum
      • There are 3 main sound produced by this
        • "Doom" - the bass
        • "Tak" - the higher pitch sound
        • "Pa" or "Sak" - closed sound
  • Interesting data db service -

Notes created today

List FROM "" WHERE file.cday = date("2023-02-07") SORT file.ctime asc

Notes last touched today

List FROM "" WHERE file.mday = date("2023-02-07") SORT file.mtime asc

created: 2023-01-16 11:50