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Monday, September 25, 2023
<< [[2023-09-24|Yesterday]] | [[2023-09-26|Tomorrow]] >> Retrospective:: [[2023-08-25|Last Month]] | [[2022-09-25|Last Year]]
ð Daily Questionsâ
ð Last night, after work, Iâ
ð One thing I'm excited about right now isâ
- Won fantasy baseball league
- Starting a new book [[Winning Fixes Everything]] after finishing some long time books on the trail [[A Psalm for the Wild-Built]] and [[The Four Agreements]]
ð One+ thing I plan to accomplish today isâ
- [ ]
ð One thing I'm struggling with today isâ
- Caught covid on [[2023-09-14]] and doing a backcountry hike in the cold forced my body to put the response on pause
ð Ephemeral Notesâ
- #til2023 Chianti Rooster Legend
- https://www.beginnerwineguide.com/what-is-the-story-behind-that-rooster-on-the-neck-of-the-wine-bottle/
- Area between Florence and Siena in Italy that was under contention
- After decades of battles, they decided to settle it once and for all by having their knights race to the boundary at the sound of a rooster's crow
- They picked their own roosters and the Florentines picked a black rooster that they starved for days
- It croaked much earlier than sunrise, and their knight raced to only 20KM away from the Sienna walls
- Advice for people entering 30s
- Push yourself hard with physical exercise which develops grit in life
- Be great in a big city rather than a small city
- Be comfortable with rejection
- Create as many opportunities to find a mate
Notes created todayâ
List FROM "" WHERE file.cday = date("2023-09-25") SORT file.ctime asc
Notes last touched todayâ
List FROM "" WHERE file.mday = date("2023-09-25") SORT file.mtime asc
created: 2023-01-16 11:50