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Tuesday, December 19, 2023

<< [[2023-12-18|Yesterday]] | [[2023-12-20|Tomorrow]] >> Retrospective:: [[2023-11-19|Last Month]] | [[2022-12-19|Last Year]]

📅 Daily Questions

🌜 Last night, after work, I
🙌 One thing I'm excited about right now is
🚀 One+ thing I plan to accomplish today is
  • [ ]
👎 One thing I'm struggling with today is

📝 Ephemeral Notes

  • Check how many entries are there for TIL 2023
    • 30 ish
  • Update the [[Data Science Learning]] roadmap
  • #til2023 Effective Altruism
    • Started as movement in Oxford that aims to maximize the good as much as possible
      • This could mean to take action that can lead to gaining the ability to enable someone/something to do more good than actually doing the good themselves because its ineffective
      • The extreme example would be prioritize the actions that leads great amounts of wealth so that you can donate to organizations that are doing good instead of joining the organization to do good
    • A poster boy of this was Sam Bankman-Fried
      • As many organizations found out, aligning with him lead to more harm than good

Notes created today

List FROM "" WHERE file.cday = date("2023-12-19") SORT file.ctime asc

Notes last touched today

List FROM "" WHERE file.mday = date("2023-12-19") SORT file.mtime asc

created: 2023-01-16 11:50