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πŸ“– Short Summary (1 takeaway)

  • Life doesn't require a purpose to be lived meaningfully

🧐 Why I am reading this book

  • Was recommended through a variety of sources

πŸ™Š Great quotes

It doesn’t matter that your friends are there, as well as every building you love, every park whose best hidden corners you know, every street your feet instinctively follow without needing to check for directions.

But there was a gravity to leaving a place for good, a deep sense of seismic change.

But when we woke up and said, We have realized our purpose, and we do not want it, you respected that. More than respected. You rebuilt everything to accommodate our absence. You were proud of us for transcending our purpose, and proud of yourselves for honoring our individuality.

do not have a purpose any more than a mouse or a slug or a thornbush does. Why do you have to have one in order to feel content?

You keep asking why your work is not enough, and I don’t know how to answer that, because it is enough to exist in the world and marvel at it. You don’t need to justify that, or earn it. You are allowed to just live. That is all most animals do.”

Mosscap considered. β€œBecause I know that no matter what, I’m wonderful,” it said.

β€œI’m tired,” Dex said softly. β€œMy work doesn’t satisfy me like it used to, and I don’t know why. I was so sick of it that I did a stupid, dangerous thing, and now that I’ve done it, I don’t know what to do next.

βœ… Actionable item

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πŸ—‚ Detailed Summary