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  • Library that implements many ready to use Machine Learning algorithms
  • Core API design principles
    • Consistency - all objects share the same simple interface
      • Estimators
        • Can estimate some parameters based on a dataset
        • Done using fit() method
        • Takes the dataset as a parameter (2 for supervised) and maybe another parameter as the hyperparameter
      • Transformers
        • Some estimators can also modify the dataset by transforming it
        • Done using transform() method
        • Sometimes there is a combined method fit_transform()
      • Predictors
        • Can make predictions based on a dataset
        • Done using predict() method
        • Usually have a score() method that returns the quality of prediction
    • Inspection - all of the estimator's learned parameter and hyperparameters are publicly accessible
    • Nonproliferation of classes - uses Numpy arrays for storing datasets
    • Composition - reuses the same building blocks
    • Sensible defaults - makes reasonable defaults so it is easy to get an E2E going without tuning
  • To make a custom transformer that still works with other Scikit-Learn functionalities, you need to create a class and implement fit(), transform() and fit_transform()

Small transfomer that creaters the combined features

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin

room_ix, bedrooms_ix, population_ix, households_ix = 3, 4, 5, 6

class CombinedAttributesAdder(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
def __init__(self, add_bedrooms_per_room = True): # no *args or **kargs
self.add_bedrooms_per_room = add_bedrooms_per_room

def fit(self, X, y=None):
return self

def transform(self, X, y=None):
rooms_per_household = X[:, room_ix] / X[:, households_ix]
population_per_household = X[:, population_ix] / X[:, households_ix]
if self.add_bedrooms_per_room:
bedrooms_per_room = X[:, bedrooms_ix] / X[:, room_ix]
return np.c_[X, rooms_per_household, population_per_household, bedrooms_per_room]

return np.c_[X, rooms_per_household, population_per_household]

attr_adder = CombinedAttributesAdder(add_bedrooms_per_room=False)
housing_extra_attrsibs = attr_adder.transform(housing_df.values)```
- Transformation pipelines in `scikit-learn` helps you to automate the transformers needed to be applied
- ```python
# Create a simple piepline to auotmate the transformers
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

num_pipeline = Pipeline([
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy="median")),
('attrsibs_adder', CombinedAttributesAdder()),
('std_scaler', StandardScaler()),

housing_num_tr = num_pipeline.fit_transform(housing_num)
  • All but the last estimator must be transformers (they must have fit_transform() method)
  • When you call pipeline's fit() method, it will chain call the fit_transform() method of the transfomers