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  • 👆 Short Summary (1 takeaway)
    • sci-fi is at its best when taking something so core and given in our world and changing it slightly and watch the ripple effect it has on every fabric of the world
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    "It is said, Your Majesty, that Fate laughs at men's schemes" #quotes "The issue wasn't confined to marriages; all sorts of relationships rely on forgiving and forgetting" #quotes "And I think I've found the real benefit of digital memory. The point is not to prove you were right, the point is to admit you were wrong" #quotes "It's no coincidence that 'aspiration' means both hope and the act of breathing. When we speak, we use the breath in our lungs to give our thoughts a physical form. The sounds we make are simultaneously our intentions and our life force" #quotes "Science is not just the search for the truth [....] it's the search for purpose" #quotes "I don't think I'm an envious person by nature, and I don't think you are, either. We're not always wanting what other people have. But with a prism, it's not other people, it's you. So how can you not feel like you deserve what they have #quotes

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