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try: main() except Exception: logger.exception("Error in main()!")```

  • logger.exception(msg) method will log a full stack trace of the error with the message
  • This will log to the level ERROR
  • Or, logging with, exc_info=True) allows for a full stack trace and customization of the log level
  • Pinpoint Pattern

try: object = some_function() except SomeSpecificError as err: logger.warn("Some specific error was raised. ".format(err.message))```

  • You don’t need the full stack trace when you know which exception was raised
  • Message and Raise Pattern

try: some_function() except SomeError: logger.warn("Error occured, not handling it.") raise```

  • This pattern allows for a higher level handler to deal with it
  • Cryptic Message (Anti-Pattern)

try: some_function() except SomeError: logger.warn("Something bad.")```

  • This will cause confusion down the road because it doesn’t inform others where exactly this is occurring in the code
  • FIX: add exec_info=True to give the full stack trace in the message
  • All Shall Pass (Anti-Pattern)

try: some_function() except Exception: pass```

  • This is the worst pattern of all because it hides the fact that there is an error
  • Python logging levels
      1. CRITICAL
      1. ERROR
      1. WARNING
      1. INFO
      1. DEBUG