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  • What is meta-cognition?
    • When you learn something new, cramming information non-stop is not effective
    • You need strategies to learn
    • ==Learn how to learn==
    • Meta-cognition is being self-aware of your own thinking, thinking about thinking or knowing about knowing
  • Comprises of 3 components
    • Knowledge
    • Regulation
    • Experiences
  • Knowledge
    • What you know about yourself and others in terms of thinking and learning process
    • Declarative knowledge
      • What you know about yourself
      • The type of learner that I am is action based
      • The act of doing or writing down information helps me understand the topic
      • I can't rely on listening or reading on their own to retain knowledge
    • Procedural knowledge
      • What you know about learning in general
      • [[spaced-repetition]]
      • [[mindmaps]]
      • Research about learning techniques [[future]]
    • Conditional
      • Knowing when or why you should use Declarative knowledge and Procedural knowledge
  • Regulation
    • The activities and strategies you use to control your learning in order to improve this learning ability
    • Planning
      • Prior to starting to learn a new topic, think about how to allocate energy and time into learning it
      • What kind of strategies to deploy? (See Procedural knowledge)
      • When to use them to maximize my performance
    • Monitoring
      • Stay aware of where I feel like I am struggling
      • Instead of passively receiving all the information, actively question the process
    • Evaluating
      • After finishing a chunk, reconsider the strategy and my performance
      • Make changes before moving on to the next chunk
      • For example, I am currently reading a textbook on transportation modelling and I have been taking linear notes on each chapter. However, while experimenting with Roam, I might move it over to a more fluid and segmented note taking platform
        • Consider migrating Transport Modelling notes to Roam
  • Experiences
    • The thoughts and feelings you have while studying and learning something
    • Awareness
    • Thoughts
    • Feelings