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  • Setup
    • golang is opinionated with where the code base should reside, by default $GOPATH is set to ~HOME/go/
  • Syntax
    • Go programs are written in a main package with a main() function defined
    • Packages are ways to group similar functions together
    • Functions are be declared within other functions as variables
    • Test file is name xxx_test.go, test code must start with Test, should only take one argument t *testing.T
      • The variable t of type testing.T give access to methods of the testing framework
  • Good practice
    • Separate β€œdomain” code from the outside world (side-effects)
    • Go docs is well written and maintained, launch with godoc -http :8000 and visit http://locahost:8000/pkg/
    • Use t.Helper() for the test suite to return the appropriate line number when the test fails
    • The typical TOD cycle is:
      • Write a test
      • Make the compiler pass
      • Run the test, see if the test fails
      • Write enough code for the test to pass
      • Refactor