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Book Club - Federalist Papers

  • Metadata
  • Federalists paper were written by Founding Fathers to defend the constitution,Β notΒ the Bill of Rights
    • Aside, Bill of Rights is a set of amendments to the constitution which the Founding Fathers were not in favor of
  • Articles of Confederations is the first constitution, but it is very weak
    • Federal government didn't have much power from this
    • Most power reside in States
    • Resulted inΒ Shades Rebellion
    • Founders found this to be unworkable, and need to rewrite it
  • This system of checks and balances was designed to gridlock the government so it doesn't violate individual rights easily
    • Founding Fathers were afraid of simple majority -Β having just 51% would outvote the other 49%
    • Solve federalism by balancing Federal Government vs State Government
    • Executive Branch vs Legislative Branch vs Judiciary
  • [[quotes]] "Ambition must be made to counteract ambition" - James Madison (51)
  • Federal government was not seen as the chief allegiance for the people to garner to
    • Today, that couldn’t be more prevalent
  • Today, the executive branch is shifting to a legislative role while the legislative branch is moving to a vestigial organ
  • Anti-federalist papers came first, and then the federalist paper came after
    • For the first 150 years of US, the federalist paper are right
    • Now with the progressive movement, the anti-federalist paper are becoming true
  • ==Federalist paper hold up as a critique of the government system, but does not hold up in its prediction that it will hold up==
  • US government is not a simple-majority democracy, it was designed to be a republic where federal government shouldn't have this much power