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Functional Data Engineering


  • #article #data-science
  • Source: Functional Data Engineering
  • Modern paradigm for batched data processing
  • ETL (extract, transform and load) is a time-consuming, brittle and often unrewarding process
  • Functional programming paradigm can bring clarity to the process
    • A style of building the structure and elements of computer programs that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoid changing-state and mutable data
    • A declarative programming paradigm, meaning programming is done with expressions or declarations, instead of statements
    • Functional code outputs code that only depend on the arguments that are passed to the function
      • Calling the same function twice with the same argument will produce the same result each time
    • In contrast to procedures that depend on a local or global state
  • Reproducibility and replicability are the key characteristics we are after
    • In order to do this, we want immutable data along with versioned logic
  • Write only pure tasks
    • These are deterministic and idempotent
    • No side-effects to things outside the scopes of the task
    • When tasks inevitably fail, they can be re-run without any concerns of double-counting or overwriting unintentionally
    • Instead of returning something like a pure-function - it overwrites a partition of the data which is akin to the immutable object that a typical pure function would return
    • Should only target a single output
  • Table partitions as immutable objects
    • Don't use DML operations like UPDATE, APPEND, DELETE
    • A pure task should fully overwrite a partition as its output
  • Use dimension snapshots to handle slowly changing dimensions
  • Use separate event time and processing time to handle late arriving facts