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SQL code for fast data analysis so one can skip using Pandas if not needed. This article is showcasing PostgreSQL.

✍ïļ Notes

  • There is a high cost in loading data into Pandas, so it is often not worth it for ad-hoc analysis
    • Or it is worth pre-analysis in SQL itself before fetching it into Pandas

Common Table Expressions (CTE)​

  • Good for recursive queries
  • Good for readability and modularity
WITH emails AS (
SELECT '' AS email
normalized_emails AS (
SELECT lower(email) as email FROM emails
SELECT * FROM normalized_emails;

Generating Data​

  • Useful for joining data to
  • Can use UNION ALL to concat data, VALUE LIST to create constant data, UNNEST to generate small 1 dimensional data from a list
  • A really useful command is to use GENERATE_SERIES for large amounts of data with a fixed step and can be used for time series
WITH daterange AS (
FROM generate_series(
'2023-01-01 UTC'::timestamptz, --start
'2023-01-02 UTC'::timestamptz, --end
INTERVAL '1 hour' --step
SELECT * FROM daterange


  • To produce random numbers, one can use CEIL(RANDOM()) or FLOOR(RANDOM())
    • Don't use ROUND(RANDOM()) because it doesn't retain the distribution
CEIL(RANDOM() * 3) AS n,
FROM generate_series(0, 1000)
  • One can extend this to produce random choice
(array['RED', 'BLUE', 'GREEN'])[CEIL(RANDOM() * 3)] AS color
FROM generate_series(1, 5)
  • To sample you can use RANDOM() but it is pretty inefficient
  • So PostgreSQL has two methods: system and bernoulli
    • system is done with blocks so it is faster
-- using random
WITH random_sample AS (
FROM users
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM random_sample

-- using system
WITH system_sample AS (
FROM users TABLESAMPLE() SYSTEM(10) -- argument is percentage
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM system_sample

-- using bernoulli
WITH bernoulli_sample AS (
FROM users TABLESAMPLE() BERNOULLI(10) -- argument is percentage
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bernoulli_sample

Data Exploration​

  • Can calculate simple statistical descriptions with COUNT, AVG, STDDEV, MIN, MAX, MODE and PERCENTILE_CONT or PERCENTILE_DISC
  • The median of a series can be calculated with either percentile functions
    • PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY n) gives a value that 50% of the values are less than which could be a value that doesn't exist in the series
    • PERCENTILE_DISC(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY n) gives the value that 50% of the values are less than which is from the series


  • There is a ROLLUP command that gives hierarchical subtotals, but only for the combination specified
WITH emp AS (
('Haki', 'R&D', 'Manager'),
('Dan', 'R&D', 'Developer'),
('Jax', 'R&D', 'Developer'),
('George', 'Sales', 'Manager'),
('Bill', 'Sales', 'Developer'),
('David', 'Sales', 'Developer')
) AS t(
name, department, role
SELECT department, role, COUNT(*)
FROM emp
GROUP BY ROLLUP(department), role;
  • To get all combinations, we can precalculate them using CUBE
  • Both of these commands are just syntax sugar for grouping sets which gives the explicit combinations

Pivot Tables​

  • We can also reshape data in SQL by using conditional expressions CASE ... WHEN ... THEN .. WHEN ... THEN ... ELSE ... END
  • Another way to do this is through aggregate expressions COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE ...) AS
  • Overall, it is still tedious to do compared to pandas so if there are lots of transformations being done it might be better to use pandas here

Cumulative Aggregation​

  • Use the window function OVER (PARTITION BY ...) and passing that into a statistical function
    • The partition by command can take an integer to evaluate over all the rows
    • It can also take a frame clause to perform moving window


  • PostgreSQL even have built in regression functions like REGR_SLOPE(), REGR_INTERCEPT
  • Interpolating missing data or finer granularity is also a common task, PostgreSQL can do this with COALESC to get a default value and more complex query to do forward fill and back fill as well
  • Binning with CASE ... WHEN and if we want equal height binning we can use NTILE and histogram (equal width binning) with WIDTH_BUCKET