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Zillow Machine Learning Team

  • Metadata
  • Summary:
  • Notes:
    • Stock is down 30% and laid off 25% of their staff
    • Their home value estimation models were not producing the results as expected
      • They started using it for buying and flipping homes
      • Zillow was going to buy homes and flip them for profit, but this relied on a very robust model that can accurately predict house prices in 6 months
    • It also relied on a linear increase in house values which doesn't happen in short term
    • Stability is a key assumption for statistical models, and that's not a given in complex systems like the housing market
      • The training data's distributions have distributions
      • Topology and Differential Geometry is important
      • Distribution of distributions can be modeled as deformations in the inference space
      • Why overfitting creates miraculous accuracy
      • Models needs to learn about deformations by having training data from disconnected sources to the outcome
    • To figure out the relationships between these features and the outcome requires experimentation and a chain of models
      • [[Causal Inference]]
      • Deep learning models
        • Throw all the features at it and let it figure it out
    • Large production model architectures are expensive and time consuming to set up
      • Feature stores need to recommend features which could improve model accuracy
      • Experiment management system need to be able to track different experiments
      • Review is difficult
    • Tips for Data Scientists
      • When revenue starts getting booked against ML projects - model reliability is critical