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  • ☀️Daily Log:
    • #programming #braindump Good starter project to do
      • write a scraper in Python, you can scrape whatever you want, stock data, sports team data, some other hobby, etc.
      • massage/chunk that data into a database (relational (MySQL), time series(InfluxDB), whatever)
      • setup something else to analyze/visualize that data (grafana/etc.)
      • this will help you learn
        • how to write basic python
        • interact with APIs
        • manipulate data
        • basics of a database
        • updating/deploying your python app
        • integrations with the database (SQL queries)
        • if you set it up in AWS or whatever then some cloud technologies
    • #tax Update the cost basis for sell-to-cover stock vests using the supplemental 1099 form
    • #tax there a reason to delay exercising the ISOs? I was previously thinking that it makes more sense to wait as long as possible because the cash needed for strike could be invested elsewhere. Let that grow, and use a smaller portion of the funds to exercise. However, if there are additional tax implications, seems like ripping off the bandaid makes a lot of sense and get the clock started.
      • you should regularly exercise ISOs to get the clock started on LTCG and to spread out your cash outlay, and to mitigate the AMT hit (if any)
      • the problem with waiting and then exercising in one big transaction is that your cash outlay will be large, your AMT hit could be large
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