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  • ☀️Daily Log:
    • [[bitcoin]] was suppose to be a steady form of asset that resists broader economic trends, but so far it has been a speculative tech investment
      • in 2022, it has closely mirrored the NASDAQ movements
    • #til2022 Sahara Desert Circles
      • 🌐:
      • 💁‍♂️: Circle markings in the Sahara Desert in Algeria. Could be a result of seismic surveys used for natural gas extraction
      • 🤔:
    • #data-science Spatio-Temporal Extreme Event Modelling of Terror Insurgencies
      • Authors: Lekha Patel
      • Highly unpredictable but high impact outcome events are important to predict accurately
        • Arbitrary space-time region
        • Inhomogeneous baseline intensity
      • Self-exciting marked spatio-temporal model
        • Triggering intensity is modelled with Gaussian Process prior distribution to flexibly capture intricate spatio-temporal dependencies between an arbitrary event and previous events
        • Novel generalized zipf distribution to measure the intensity of the event
        • customized Markov chain Monte Carlo method to estimate the model parameters
      • Extreme value analysis focuses on the characterization of events that lies at the tails of a distribution
        • i.e. earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, wildfires
        • Two common approaches from statistical point of view
          • calculating a sequence of maximum (minimum) values over blocks of data and fitting these values to their large sample distribution (the Generalized extreme value distribution)
          • find observations that exceeds (fall below) a given threshold and fits the Generalized pareto distribution to these exceedance values (Peaks over Threshold method (PoT))
        • A novel approach is to use point process modelling
          • Used to probabilstically describe an event that happens in space-time
          • Homogeneous point process can be used if the event occurs in a constant rate
          • Self-exciting processes can be used to capture dependencies that naturally arise in events that may have connections
        • To measure the different impact of these events, layered a mixture model to estimate the discrete mark of the event
          • Marks above a threshold can be modelled with a Generalized-Zipf distribution
      • ==It is similar to a two-hurdle model except the first hurdle is the self-exciting point process and the second hurdle is a generalized zipf model==
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[May 5th, 2022]]
    • One month ago: [[April 12th, 2022]]
    • One quarter ago: [[February 12th, 2022]]
    • One year ago: [[May 12th, 2021]]