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  • ☀️Daily Log:
    • #til2022 Depeg
      • 🌐:
      • 💁‍♂️: Currency can be pegged to another by enforcing a fixed exchange rate - which stabilizes the currency and gives confidence for long-term predictability. Stable-coins are often pegged to the US dollar.
      • 🤔: Luna crash in May 2022 caused several other networks to also crash which caused Tether (A stable-coin) to be depegged from the US dollar.
    • #til2022 Time Dilation Equation due to Velocity
      • 🌐:
      • 💁‍♂️: t=t 1(v2/c2)t'=t \ \sqrt{1-(v^2 / c^2)}
      • 🤔: Time dilation can be caused by a difference in the relative velocity between them (special relativistic "kinetic" time dilation) or to a difference in gravitational potential between their locations (general relativistic gravitational time dilation).
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[June 6th, 2022]]
    • One month ago: [[May 13th, 2022]]
    • One quarter ago: [[March 13th, 2022]]
    • One year ago: [[June 13th, 2021]]