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  • ☀️Daily Log:
    • Why don't we trust experts [[podcasts]]
      • but there’s something about our information environment and our ability to understand people who are making probabilistic judgments that make it difficult to evaluate expertise
      • we’re a society that knows the price of everything and the value of nothing,
      • We have these big complicated organizations and agencies and corporations, and when some crisis pops up it usually has a very specific solution, and it’s really unlikely that that specific solution is going to be in the heads of the people who are at the top of the organization
      • to spend a year or a year and a half working in some government service where they’re all mixed up with other kinds of people. Part of the problem is we’re not mixed up enough. It’s much easier to think of “us” and “them”
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[April 23rd, 2022]]
    • One month ago: [[March 30th, 2022]]
    • One quarter ago: [[January, 30th, 2022]]
    • One year ago: [[April 30th, 2021]]