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  • ☀️Daily Log:
    • #til2022 Starbucks
      • 🌐:
      • 💁‍♂️: The first mate in Moby Dick
      • 🤔: One of the generalized words that I have not heard of, unlike kleenex, jacuzzis, frisbees, band-aids, I didn't know that Starbucks was taken from the book Moby Dick. The brand consultant designed the logo first and saw the name of a town - Starbos and made him think about the first mate on the ship Pequod - Starbuck
    • #til2022 Point Nemo
      • 🌐:
      • 💁‍♂️: The furthest point on Earth from all civilization, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean
      • 🤔: It is further from humans than the ISS, and it is where programs crash their satellite
  • Retrospective::
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