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  • ☀️Daily Log:
    • Review [[5. 🍕 Plans]]
      • Q2 was a little more productive with my personal projects compared to Q1
      • Q3 I have to make use of my longer commute time for reading/listening to books
      • Review Q3 Quarter Plans on [[September 31st, 2022]]
    • Coming into the office is becoming a real constraint and adding lots of financial costs
      • Buying a car
      • Rover costs
      • Reduced sleep
    • Try to implement the [[Feynman Technique]] when writing blog posts
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[June 24th, 2022]]
    • One month ago: [[June 1st, 2022]]
    • One quarter ago: [[April 1st, 2022]]
    • One year ago: