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  • Test driving iPad as the daily driver for all my productivity needs
    • Note taking machine with [[Roam Research]]
    • Daily driver capable of email (spark), scheduling (fantastical), finance, communication (messenger, slack) with minimal friction
    • Using it with the magic keyboard combo and pencil
      • Probably ditching the pencil as I don’t have a need for a $150 pencil with the kind of functionality it provides
  • Continue to migrate zettelkasten notes from the zettlr notebook to [[Roam Research]]
    • [[June 1st, 2020]]
      • Found a website on [[python-logging]] that I would like my personal website to someday look
        • [[inspiration]] [[someday]]
    • [[June 4th, 2020]]
      • [[python-logging]]
        • ==How roam handles code blocks looks very promising==
    • [[Roam Research]] is a little buggy as a web app running on the iPad
    • [[July 1st, 2020]]
      • Read some modelling articles
        • [[Unpredictability]]
        • [[Five Ways to Ensure Models Serve Society - A Manifesto]]
        • [[Commentary on scientific evidence]]
    • [[Cars and Second Order Consequences]]
    • [[Comparison between Gravity and Destination Choice Models]]
    • [[EMME tips and tricks]]
    • [[fast-ai]]
    • [[Book Club - Federalist Papers]]
    • [[golang]]
    • [[Modelling Transport]]
    • [[Statistics in Model]]
  • Pick back to reading [[The Paper Menagerie]]