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  • ☀️Daily Log:
    • From reading the [[Retrospective]], I realized it was one week ago I migrated to use [[Roam Research]]
      • So far my experience has been very positive, the LaTeX support for math, bi-directional linking, queries, css customization, like-minded community all contribute positively
      • As the daily logs get rolling, the [[Retrospective]] section should get a lot more interesting
    • Figured out the problem I thought I had with my tasks queries is not in the code, but rather when the TODO is created in a daily log it will be associated with that date regardless of any date tag afterwards
    • YYZ -> SFO
      • Packed and shipped coffee grinders, coffee kettle, mugs, hairdo coffee beaker
      • While cleaning important documents folder, found some old cheques from an account I opened with roommates for the place on 74 Major Street
        • Sent each roommate (Amelia, Scott, Will) a cheque with some sentimental quotes
    • Saw an IG account with some good quotes
      • “Trust new beginnings” [[quotes]]
    • Migrate some notes from Google Keep
      • [[Trivia Braindump]]
      • [[Tesla Interview Prep]]
      • [[Eight Factors of Productivity]]
      • [[Camping Notes]]
      • [[Random Podcast Notes]]
      • [[2. 📚 Books to Read]]
      • [[Interesting Words]]
      • [[1. 🪣 List]]
      • [[The Paradox of Our Time]]
      • [[Right Now]]
      • [[Relocation to SF Information]]
    • Cleaned up my lists in Google maps
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[October 2nd, 2020]]
    • One month ago: [[September 9th, 2020]]
    • One quarter ago: [[July 9th, 2020]]
    • One year ago: [[October 9th, 2019]]