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  • ☀️Daily Log:
    • Lit review paper on inferring trip mode and purpose from GPS data
      • Source:
      • GPS gives richer path data, but needs to be augmented with OD information to be useful
      • Machine learning is often utilized to determine the mode, while rule based methods are popular for inferring purpose
      • Error detection
        • Outliers are identified with unlikely attributes like speed over 250 km/hr
        • Successive filters to remove outliers: number of NSAT used to record (<3), HDOP (>5), heading and speed of 0 when GPS data trace is plotted, remove multipath error in urban canyons
        • Track points whose distance is less than 10m of the previous one, track points with greater than 200 km/hr speed, track points with less than 5 km/hr and time gap with previous track point of at least 1 minute, delete trips with less than 4 track points
      • Trip identification
        • The combination of dwell time, speed, and visual checks on map to determine when a set of paths is a trip
      • Mode detection
        • Input features (from GPS, GIS, Accelerometer, and Respondent's information)
          • duration, speed, acceleration, distance, HDOP/NSAT, heading, street network, rail station, bus routes, bus stops, ownership of vehicle
        • Machine learning (NN, Bayesian Network, Decision Tree, SVM)
        • Probability Method (Fuzzy logic rules, probability matrix)
        • Criteria based Method
        • Accuracies of high 70-90% seems to be achievable
      • Purpose inference
        • Input features (From GIS, GPS, Respondents' information, other information)
          • Land use, POI information, duration of stay, trip ending time, frequent activity, key address, demographic data, transport mode
        • Rule based Method (Land-use-and-purpose-matching table, heuristic rules, closest POI matching rules, single deterministic matching method, historical data matching method)
        • Probabilistic method (multinomial logit model, probability calculation based on distance)
        • Machine learning (classification/regression tree, discriminant analysis)
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[October 30th, 2020]]
    • One month ago: [[October 6th, 2020]]
    • One quarter ago: [[August 6th, 2020]]
    • One year ago: [[November 6th, 2019]]
  • Daily Stoic::
    • Resign over fate is a consistent attitude for stoics
    • Trails and triumph from one day doesn’t carry into the next, you can only do your best today