- ☀️Daily Log:
- Worked and reworked on a piece of code multiple times because I kept not optimizing the retrieval process for a long run
- Try to minimize small queries and batch the queries out once and persist it in actual files
- Made my first two full meals at [[Franklin 299]] now the new pots and pans are here
- Salmon + Rice
- Red sauce meat spaghetti
- Retrospective::
- One week ago: [[November 8th, 2020]]
- One month ago: [[October 15th, 2020]]
- One quarter ago: [[August 15th, 2020]]
- One year ago: [[November 15th, 2019]]
- Daily Stoic::
- [[quotes]] Heraclitus said “No man steps in the same river twice”
- Because the river has changed and so has the man
- Marcus echos this in his passage urging us to embrace change