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  • ☀️Daily Log:
    • [[quotes]] "A tool does its job, then gets out of the way."
    • Turn smartphone into a tool again
      • Put [[Cal Newport]] Digital Minimalism in [[2. 📚 Books to Read]]
      • Mindful use of the smartphone
        • To resolve a problem
        • Once the problem is solved, the phone is turned off
      • Mindless use of the smartphone
        • When a notification comes in, when I am bored, etc
      • To reduce the times of mindless use of smartphone
        • Reduce the number of notifications
        • Reduce number of mindless unlocks
          • Remove notifications from the lock screen
        • Use something like the unlauncher
    • Interesting problem at work, trying to justify identifying potential outliers without ground truth
      • Thought about how much impact does this have on the final decision
      • Thought about how to start with the most stringent ones and remove those first
    • SSN manages to be the most annoying process in existence
      • Try to be stoic about it, just resign the fact that these things can’t be controlled
      • Got the application through in the end, will have to check that I receive the card in two weeks
      • Check SSN arrived on [[November 19th, 2020]] [[future]]
    • Read [[How to take Smart Notes]]
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[October 29th, 2020]]
    • One month ago: [[October 5th, 2020]]
    • One quarter ago: [[August 5th, 2020]]
    • One year ago: [[November 5th, 2019]]
  • Daily Stoic::
    • The belief of higher power in Stoicism is more about giving up control over all things than the accept the notion of God.