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  • ☀️Daily Log:
    • Assessing the impact of COVID on travel behaviour in GTHA
      • Presentations by researchers on various aspects of impact
      • [[The Impact of COVID-19 on Residential Relocation Decisions in GTA]] by Saeed Shakib
    • TD bank is a mess, requested a contactless card to be sent to my new address with pin so I can activate the card
    • Setup a new notebook for job
      • Bullet journal style hand written notes
    • Read Chapter 10 of [[Modelling Transport]]
    • Read a guide on how to write articles in the [[Zettelkasten Method]], maybe implement it for when I want to start writing blog posts?
    • “You know what’s weird? Day by day. Nothing seems to change. But pretty soon, everything’s different” - Bill Watterson [[quotes]]
    • Start chapter 11 of [[Modelling Transport]]
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[October 9th, 2020]]
    • One month ago: [[September 16th, 2020]]
    • One quarter ago: [[July 16th, 2020]]
    • One year ago: [[October 16th, 2019]]
  • Daily Stoic::
    • There is no heaven or hell in Stoicism, but it should be your duty to help others in need