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  • ☀️Daily Log:
    • Call with colleague
      • Talked about my work and how I might need help with research techniques on topics later
      • He updated me with his situation
        • Nearing the end of his PhD but is getting into crunch time for him
        • Need to figure out if the framework he theorized for firm hiring/firing patterns will work
        • He is thinking about working for a think tank or global organization after PhD
        • Loves research but hates writing...
      • I try to formalize my vision for the goal of our team at work
        • To be able to forecast the growth in demand of trips irrespective of where the supercharger are currently located
        • The current model is rough in the sense that it captures a global growth without the spatial context
        • There is nothing that can recommend where, because we don’t know where
    • Roamed around [[San Francisco]]
      • Finally visited Mission Workshop, a bag and tech gear store that I have loved for a long time
      • Upgraded my shoulder pouch from Timbuk2 to Mission’s akiva styled pouch
      • The akiva attachment is pretty solid, but I do miss the separate compartments on the Timbuk2 version
      • Walked through the big mall on Market and Fifth
      • There were lots of homeless people in the Market/5th area, it doesn’t seem like an appealing place to live
      • Mission district was a lot more boutique and cozier to walk through
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[October 17th, 2020]]
    • One month ago: [[September 24th, 2020]]
    • One quarter ago: [[July 24th, 2020]]
    • One year ago: [[October 24th, 2019]]
  • Daily Stoic::
    • Fountain of goodness is something I don’t think I’ve thought lots about, according to Marcus Aurelius that it is something you can dig deep within yourself to unearth