daily-notes 2021 2021-01-02
Daily Log:
[[til2021]] Toyota Production Management Principles
Certain Japanese words are left untranslated in English such as Bonsai, Karate, Karaoke, Futon which are loanwords
Agile management system uses many principles developed from Toyota's manufacturing plant in Burnaston
Andon : A visual indication for action
Gemba : The physical location of where work is done
Genchi Genbutsu : Instead of explaining the event, go see for yourself to have a the best understanding of the situation
Hansei : Retrospective, even for successful tasks
Jidokai : Design of systems that allows for it to be halted immediately whenever a problem occurs. By catching early defects, this eliminates wastes from mistakes
Just-in-time : Produce what is needed whenever the customers want it
Kaizen : Continuous improvement work environment that allows the workers to identify shortcomings and promotes new ideas
Kanban : A board system to convey the tasks required for production
Muda : Waste that does not add any value
Mura : Waste from unevenness or irregularities
Muri : Waste from overburden
Poka-Yoke : Devices that halts production when a mistake is detected
[[til2021]] Loanword
A word that is left untranslated from another language and permanently adopted as is
Tofu, Cafe, Kindergarten, Calque, Deja vu
It differs from calque
[[til2021]] Calque
A word or phrase that is translated literally word-for-word from another language
Skyscraper is a calque in many other languages
Flea market is a calque from French term marches aux puces (market of fleas)
One week ago: [[December 26th, 2020]]
One month ago: [[December 2nd, 2020]]
One quarter ago: [[October 2nd, 2020]]
One year ago: [[January 2nd, 2020]]
Daily Stoic::
[[quotes]] "Don't trust the masses that say only the free can be educated, but rather the lovers of wisdom that say that only the educated are free"
Reading for knowledge to become freer, bold, and peaceful