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  • Daily Log:
    • [[til2021]] Toyota Production Management Principles
      • Certain Japanese words are left untranslated in English such as Bonsai, Karate, Karaoke, Futon which are loanwords
      • Agile management system uses many principles developed from Toyota's manufacturing plant in Burnaston
      • Andon: A visual indication for action
      • Gemba: The physical location of where work is done
      • Genchi Genbutsu: Instead of explaining the event, go see for yourself to have a the best understanding of the situation
      • Hansei: Retrospective, even for successful tasks
      • Jidokai: Design of systems that allows for it to be halted immediately whenever a problem occurs. By catching early defects, this eliminates wastes from mistakes
      • Just-in-time: Produce what is needed whenever the customers want it
      • Kaizen: Continuous improvement work environment that allows the workers to identify shortcomings and promotes new ideas
      • Kanban: A board system to convey the tasks required for production
      • Muda: Waste that does not add any value
      • Mura: Waste from unevenness or irregularities
      • Muri: Waste from overburden
      • Poka-Yoke: Devices that halts production when a mistake is detected
    • [[til2021]] Loanword
      • A word that is left untranslated from another language and permanently adopted as is
      • Tofu, Cafe, Kindergarten, Calque, Deja vu
      • It differs from calque
    • [[til2021]] Calque
      • A word or phrase that is translated literally word-for-word from another language
      • Skyscraper is a calque in many other languages
      • Flea market is a calque from French term marches aux puces (market of fleas)
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[December 26th, 2020]]
    • One month ago: [[December 2nd, 2020]]
    • One quarter ago: [[October 2nd, 2020]]
    • One year ago: [[January 2nd, 2020]]
  • Daily Stoic::
    • [[quotes]] "Don't trust the masses that say only the free can be educated, but rather the lovers of wisdom that say that only the educated are free"
    • Reading for knowledge to become freer, bold, and peaceful