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  • Daily Log:
    • [[7. Raise a 🐶]] - Dog Names
      • Taco
      • Clutch
      • Dengo
    • Read More Effectively
      • Reading effectively to Ali Abdaal (the author) is developing a watertight process to capture ideas, analyze arguments and ask the right questions. It means identifying the right books to read, understanding the different reading goals and using evidence-based techniques to increase reading productivity
      • [[quotes]] "Compound interest is the 8th Wonder of the World" - Albert Einstein
        • Able to compound knowledge is the key ingredient for any successful person
        • The more points you have in your lattice network, the more connections you can make, exponentially
      • Reading to entertain
        • How I am reading [[Dune]]
        • Don't have to think too hard, relax and immerse into the story
      • Reading to inform
        • How I am reading [[The Puppy Primer]] and [[Perfect Puppy in 7 Days]]
        • Looking for specific facts and information on something
        • These are easy to navigate and simple in strcuture
        • Learn without judgement
      • Reading to understand
        • How I am reading [[How to take Smart Notes]] and [[Modelling Transport]]
        • The hardest level of reading because it requires a lot of cognitive effort
        • It challenges our existing knowledge and is the only way for personal growth
      • Reading comprehension is more important than reading speed
        • Analytically read the book holistically and specifically
        • Holistically look at the central arguments and themes of the book and actively challenge it or incorporate it
        • Specifically break down each chapter and see if there are detailed arguments we can analyze
      • Synoptic reading is developing ideas through multiple authors and books on the same topic
        • Where adding permanent notes to Slip Box as described in [[Zettelkasten Method]] comes in
      • Read more
        • #quotes "Read what you love until you love to read" - Naval
        • Most books don't deserve our attention, if you don't find yourself enjoying the book then just stop and move on
        • Make is easy to read
  • Retrospective
    • One week ago: [[February 19th, 2021]]
    • One month ago: [[January 26th, 2021]]
    • One quarter ago: [[November 26th, 2020]]
    • One year ago: [[February 26th, 2020]]
  • Daily Stoic
    • Getting mad at someone usually only results in regret. Direct that anger towards something inanimate to calm down