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  • Daily Log:
    • [[7. Raise a 🐶]] - Elicia's dog advice
      • Essentials
        • Wire crate that can size and if it has a bottom trey
        • Get a 6 foot leash, not retractable
        • Two collars is probably enough
        • Bowls on a stand so they can stand and eat/drink, the full sized bowl is fine for all ages
        • Metal comb + metal bristle brush for grooming
        • Food bin that is fully sealed with a screw lid
        • Food
          • Find food without wheat or corn as the top 2 ingredients
        • Treats
          • Get a variety (3) levels of treats in terms of value (high value - bacon/liver to low value)
        • Toys
          • Kong
          • Rope - good for flossing
          • A few variety and rotate them, don’t have all of them
      • Routines
        • Have a morning routine after they potty
          • Play with ears, pet the nose, pet paws, pet tail
        • Daily grooming
          • Coat brushing
          • Teeth cleaning, get them comfortable with having things in their mouths
          • Elicia didn’t clip nails because Coopers nails were dark and hard to see where it ended
        • Bathing
          • Don't get inside of ear wet
          • Towel off the ears really well to prevent infection
        • First Day
          • Bathe him
      • General tips
        • Don’t have them beg for food when you are eating or cooking
        • Develop habits you want them to have young
        • Dogs care about treat quantity over size, so break treats into tiny bits
        • Don’t always play tug or play very aggressive games unless you are okay with them being aggressive
        • Walk with leash around the house and train them to be okay with it and not bite it
      • To do
        • Find a vet, have them check them out early and get shots
        • Ask the breeder if the puppy is alpha, middle of pack or back
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[February 17th, 2021]]
    • One month ago: [[January 24th, 2021]]
    • One quarter ago: [[November 24th, 2020]]
    • One year ago: [[February 24th, 2020]]
  • Daily Stoic::
    • Your reaction to things dictates how those things affect your mental well-being