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  • Daily Log:
    • [[video]] The Future of Reasoning
      • Reason and logic are struggling to keep up with unintended consequences from our own creations
        • Like climate change from manufactured goods
      • [[til2021]] Hyperobjects
        • Coined by philosopher Timothy Morton
        • Something that is so massively distributed in space, but so sticky that it adheres to everything
        • Any civilization that progresses on reason will create such objects, but the fact that we have not observed any could mean there is a "Great Filter" that the hyperobject create which destroys the civilization
        • An hyperobject we are creating could be the climate effects and if we don't solve it we will be casted out by this great filter
      • What if reasoning is not built for what we have become
      • Behavioral inertia
        • Is the tendency to do what we are already doing
      • Reasoning
        • A way of making inferences, making new information from existing information
        • Not automatic inferences like sight, but deliberately
        • Why are we the only species with developed version on this?
        • Why do we have disagreements if reasoning is a "good" skill?
        • Not only are we bad at reasoning due to bias, but these flaws seem to be intentionally built into us
        • We are built to give reasons for whatever we must, and not reason the logical outcome
      • Intuitions
        • Ability to react to our environment with very low input from our conscious mind
        • Instead of reason from facts to a conclusion, we can jump to the conclusion by gathering very low amounts of information without knowing exactly how
      • We often use conclusions to come up with reasons
      • Reasonings evolved to help us to be social instead of reaching logical conclusions
        • From #[[2. 📚 Books to Read]] The Enigma of Reason - Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber
        • The social theory of reason helps to explain why two people can have different reasons for the same thing - because they are appealing to their own values
      • Confirmation bias
        • Our tendency to find, interpret and conclude evidence that agree with our initial viewpoint
        • Partially developed to reduce cognitive load
      • Lone reasoner
        • It is known that the "average" answer from a crowd to a problem is often more accurate than any individual person
        • Why we tend to have groups deliberate on big decisions instead of letting one person to make an executive decision
      • What if reasoning is not built for what we have become
        • What we established
          • Reasoning seems to be a skill used for social purposes and evolved to enable us to function as a group and not to reach logical conclusions
          • A solution that is deliberated and reached by a big group is often better
          • Lone reasoner is susceptible to biases and mistakes
        • What we noticed
          • Such context is becoming less common and it is easier for people to be a "long reasoner"
          • Allows people to disengage from different views and find similar views
          • The internet forces people to find problems and we feel compelled to have an opinion about all of them
          • Specialization and complexity is creating problems that less and less people have basic understandings about
          • So we look for experts to defend our viewpoints, since we are suceptible to any kind of reasoning, the experts solely by existing allows us to feel justified
        • What this means
          • The future of reasoning is the past of reasoning
          • We need to use reasoning more ever than before
          • Lottocracy - decisions are made by people who gets chosen randomly
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[April 28th, 2021]]
    • One month ago: [[April 5th, 2021]]
    • One quarter ago: [[February 5th, 2021]]
    • One year ago: [[May 5th, 2020]]
  • Daily Stoic::
    • In the life project, our mind is the raw materials