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  • Daily Log:
    • #nobo Day 5 notes
      • 7:00am wake up, pretty high energy
        • Pee after the usual belly rubs and greeting
        • Some breakfast with kibble in a bowl and some small training with low calorie training
        • Fed her the heart-worm oral vaccines with the high value treat, otherwise she was picking it out of her bowl and not eating it
        • Pooped at 7:17am
        • Played a lot with her toys, especially when she gets chewy on other things
        • Peed again
      • 7:40am - 940am nap
        • peed when she got out
        • she might also be too hot? Seems to be content with lying on the floor after getting out
      • 940am - 1130am working with her leashed to cage
        • She is just lying around chewing on things while napping on the floor under the coffee table
      • 1130am - 1150am lunch
        • Peed
        • Fed her kibble while training, then some dehydrated food while she is in her crate
      • 1150am - 1230pm calm play
        • I ate lunch while securing her to the island and gave her a bully stick to chew on
      • 1230pm - 2:40pm nap
        • Put her into her crate, she didn't seem too sleepy yet
      • 2:40pm - 3:30pm
        • Took her out of crate and worked in the living room
      • 3:30pm - 4:00pm super high energy
      • rest of the day was pretty standard, sleeping in crate at 9pm - we will see when she gets up for her midnight madness. Pooped around 7pm
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[March 31st, 2021]]
    • One month ago: [[March 7th, 2021]]
    • One quarter ago: [[January 7th, 2021]]
    • One year ago: [[April 7th, 2020]]
  • Daily Stoic::
    • Always question our understanding to fight the biases and preconceptions
      • What haven't I considered?
      • Why is this thing the way it is?
      • Am I part of the problem here or the solution?
      • Could I be wrong here?
    • Arrogant opinion and mistrust are two things that we must remove from ourselves because it holds us back