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  • Daily Log:
    • #personal #finance Investment accounts
      • Work investment account is 401k, individual investment account can be IRA or Roth IRA
      • IRA
        • Traditional IRA is contributed with pre-tax or after-tax income, when you take out the money you are taxed
          • Contributions are tax-deductible
          • Have to make annual withdraw at age 72
        • Roth IRA is contributed with after-tax income, when you take out the money you are not taxed
          • Contributions are not tax-deductible, there is a limit in contribution
          • No withdraws are required
          • ==Open this first, when you are have not realized your full income potential and have time on your side==
      • Open IRA instead of robo-advisor since they have fees and doesn't outperform IRA by that much
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[January 15th, 2021]]
    • One month ago: [[December 22nd, 2020]]
    • One quarter ago: [[October 22nd, 2020]]
    • One year ago: [[January 22nd, 2020]]
  • Daily Stoic::
    • Reflect on the past because the plans I make in the future descents from the past
      • Ask what contributed to my happiness or worries today
      • Have these in the paper notebook as it is more personal