The modern office is terrible for rational decision making because how accessible you are to others and how easily others can steal your attention
Everyday you are spreading yourself between answering emails, phone calls, meetings, reviewing and not having anytime to think rationally or critically about your problems
It reinforces the idea that busyness and distractions are indicators of work being done
Warren Buffet moved from New York to Omaha to retain the space and time to think. Also to keep his perspective without being bombarded with irrelevant details and noise from the environment
To maximize your environment try to structure the day such that the work which requires the most energy is done first when you are at your most productive
Use chunks of time and not context switch too often
Telic comes from the Greek work Telos, which means "having an inherent purpose"
Telic activities are those that has an end goal, while atelic activities are those without and you do them for doing them's sake
Atelic activities are not productive by definition, but they are worth doing. For Type-A personality types, this might be a difficult concept to accept which requires "telic transformations"
Podcast is the ultimate telic transformation, that makes any atelic activity instantly productive
However, this leads to the never endless struggle on the hedonic hamster wheel. Once you start injecting productivity to all atelic activities, your desire for more "outcomes" increases and moves until you are all consumed with finding the next objective
Mid-life crisis could be the symptom of this struggle
When you get things done, you could end up with nothing to do so you start exhausting further and further ventures
Plans are schemes for which success can only mean cessation
Telic transformation stems from the fear of not doing enough -> fear of not good enough
One week ago: [[February 15th, 2021]]
One month ago: [[January 22nd, 2021]]
One quarter ago: [[November 22nd, 2020]]
One year ago: [[February 22nd, 2020]]
Daily Stoic::
It is easier to not do something than to react and do something. The self-restraint to be ready and self-awareness to know when that is requires practice and deliberation