Workout during COVID from 2020 Feb to 2021 Feb has been very spotty with mainly yoga, pushups and body weight exercises maintaining a slim resemblance of strength
Since moving to California, I have been going to the gym regularly with a break in between when COVID was really bad from 2020 November to 2021 March
I used this time to work back the strength lost in squats and deadlifts and also getting some work capacity back overall
I noticed that my upper body, especially chest strength has actually increased during this period. All the pushups and pullups helped build some mass and strength
Starting in 2021 March I started to get back to a regular training regime using nSuns 531 schedule
It is a modified 5/3/1 powerlifting workout with a lot more volume
I thought that getting #nobo would derail my progress, but so far it has only kept me more consistent because she wakes me up on time everyday without fail
At this time I am around my peak strength for deadlift and hitting PRs according to my lift history on the app for squats, bench press and over head press
One week ago: [[May 14th, 2021]]
One month ago: [[April 21st, 2021]]
One quarter ago: [[February 21st, 2021]]
One year ago: [[May 21st, 2020]]
Daily Stoic::
Stoics loved to use boxing as analogous to life. What kind of a person if you just gave up after life as thrown a few punches, you would be like a boxer who left the ring after getting punched