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  • Daily Log:
    • Dad coming for marathon from [[December 3rd, 2021]] to [[December 12th, 2021]]
    • #nobo looks like she contracted viral papilloma, need to take her to the vet
      • Call vet
    • Buying a condo in SF could be an option for next year
      • Need to look at the price and my purchasing power
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[October 8th, 2021]]
    • One month ago: [[September 15th, 2021]]
    • One quarter ago: [[July 15th, 2021]]
    • One year ago: [[October 15th, 2020]]
  • Daily Stoic::
    • Like a dog that yelps when it gets stepped on but realize that it is an accident, a wise person doesn't rely on hasty judgements about other people