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  • Daily Log:
    • #nobo
      • Started regular morning and after dinner walks [[May 24th, 2021]]
      • She is pulling from excitement from sniffing new things outside but on the way back she pulled less and walked beside me consistently
      • I felt comfortable having her off leash in a large park area because she seems very attentive to where I am and never stray off on her own. She also seems very responsive to my calls even when she is focused on eating grass or sniffing things
      • When I run she will chase which is a good sign and need to constantly reward her
  • Retrospective::
    • One week ago: [[May 18th, 2021]]
    • One month ago: [[April 25th, 2021]]
    • One quarter ago: [[February 25th, 2021]]
    • One year ago: [[May 25th, 2020]]
  • Daily Stoic::
    • To experience joy is to do work.